Just Fiddling.

April 18, 2010 § 1 Comment

It’s been one of those days where I don’t know if I’m happy or sad, so I spent my day inside, taking naps, reading blogs, and watching “Interview With The Vampire.” I must say, it’s a great movie, but probably not one I should have watched by myself since a) I’m a huge scared-y cat and b) I had to walk down to the creepy basement of my dorm moments after having finished the movie, further heightening the effects of a). Brad Pitt, Kirsten Dunst, and Tom Cruise were really top notch in the movie though, so I can deal with the potential nightmares I’ll be having tonight. (Sorry for the 2 AM call in advance, Marc!)

Other than that, things are great. I’m counting down the days until my boo and I are reunited once more, and I’m trying to not stress about the huge workload that is threatening to mercilessly overtake my fragile frame. Though, since I’m currently blogging in lieu of reading, I don’t know if I can rightfully complain about the latter, so I won’t.

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot more photography blogs, looking for different tips and tricks, because I think it’s so much more interesting to learn about photography from people who know and love it as opposed to reading it out of a manual. Plus, I like looking at pretty pictures and pretending I took them. Is that weird? I’m going to act like that’s not weird.

Next, I’m going to try to tackle film in the form of the Diana F+. (That’s me: starting something new before I’ve perfected something old. What can I say? I’m a go getter, move onner, go getter something newer/shinier/expensive-er.) In conjunction with that, I’m also going to stalk every office space on my campus in search of a scanner I can use so I can post said photos on this here blog o’ mine.

So, I realize this blog is apparently morphing into a photography/lifestyle blog, which is perfectly fine with me because I absolutely adore photography and lifestyle blogs, but fear not: I still plan on featuring my outfits here, but I think instead of my clothes being the main course I’ll just have a lot of little appetizers. (Food analogies are always a yes.) It’s more fun for me, which means I’ll post more often, which will make the two of you who read this so. freaking. happy.

Goodnight, lovey!

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